Showing posts with label TV. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TV. Show all posts

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Nurgle Chaos vs. Raptors Space Marines - T5S2 Pod 1 FINALS

GrizzlyNateDog's Chaos List:

Legion: Alpha Legion

Specialist Detachment [-1CP]: Daemonkin Ritualists

Dark Disciples [1 PL, 10pts]
. 2x Dark Disciple: 2x Close combat weapon

+ HQ +

Dark Apostle [5 PL, 72pts]: Benediction of Darkness, Feculent Beseechment, Mark of Nurgle

Master of Possession [5 PL, 88pts]: Cursed Earth, Force stave, Infernal Power, Mark of Nurgle, Shepherd of the True Faith

+ Troops +

Chaos Space Marines [8 PL, 71pts]: Mark of Nurgle
. Aspiring Champion: Boltgun, Power axe
. 5x Marine w/ Boltgun: 5x Bolt pistol, 5x Boltgun, 5x Frag & Krak grenades

Chaos Space Marines [8 PL, 70pts]: Mark of Nurgle
. Aspiring Champion: Boltgun, Power sword
. 5x Marine w/ Boltgun: 5x Bolt pistol, 5x Boltgun, 5x Frag & Krak grenades

Chaos Space Marines [8 PL, 71pts]: Mark of Nurgle
. Aspiring Champion: Chainaxe, Power maul
. 5x Marine w/ Boltgun: 5x Bolt pistol, 5x Boltgun, 5x Frag & Krak grenades

+ Elites +

Possessed [20 PL, 289pts]: Mark of Nurgle
. 17x Possessed: 17x Horrifying Mutations

+ Heavy Support +

Obliterators [18 PL, 285pts]: Mark of Nurgle
. 3x Obliterator: 3x Crushing fists, 3x Fleshmetal guns

Legion: Word Bearers

+ HQ +

Poxbringer [4 PL, 70pts]: Virulent Blessing

Sorcerer [6 PL, 88pts]: Bolt pistol, Force stave, Mark of Nurgle, Prescience, The Malefic Tome, Warlord, Warp Lord, Warptime

+ Troops +

Nurglings [3 PL, 54pts]
. 3x Nurgling Swarms: 3x Diseased claws and teeth

Nurglings [3 PL, 54pts]
. 3x Nurgling Swarms: 3x Diseased claws and teeth

Nurglings [3 PL, 54pts]
. 3x Nurgling Swarms: 3x Diseased claws and teeth

+ Elites +

Deathshroud Terminators [22 PL, 252pts]
. Deathshroud Champion: Manreaper, Plaguespurt gauntlets
. 5x Deathshroud Terminator: 5x Manreaper, 5x Plaguespurt gauntlets

++ Super-Heavy Auxiliary Detachment (Chaos - Death Guard) [24 PL, 470pts] ++

Glarrg's Raptors List:
2x Raptors (Hungry for Battle, Long-Range Marksmen) Battalions
Lieutenant w/ Combi Flamer
Phobos Lieutenant
Lias Issodon
Chaplain w/ Power Fist

6x Scout Squads w/ Boltguns

2x4 Centurion Assault Squads w/ Hurricane Bolters
Centurion Devastator Squad w/ Hurricane Bolters, Grav
Aggressor Squad w/ Boltstorm Gauntlets
2x Eliminator Squads

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Broken Arrow - Movie Review

Another 90's action movie where the villain steals the show. Let's talk about BROKEN ARROW!


Friday, May 1, 2020

The Game That Shut Down the Internet|Movie Studios Fight Back! - WCBs217

Jeremy for G+G got shut down and websites are afraid to discuss it, but this Last of Us Part II outcry needs to be discussed.

#TheLastOfUs #Playstation #Movies

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Stimulus Check Round 2: Free Money Is Apparently the New Normal | The Ne...

There's a possibility that Americans will be receiving a second round of stimulus checks (even though many haven't received their first one). Can America afford to pay for another stimulus check? And have people reached a breaking point in quarantine? How much longer are people willing to stay inside? California Gov. Gavin Newsom is being sued for banning public protests. But while Newsom gets criticism, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott gets praise as he announces his plan to open the economy back up. And lastly, a source comes out in support of Tara Reade's story on Joe Biden's sexual assault allegations.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

EPT Retro Season 5 Part 1 | Old Poker, New Commentary

EPT Retro Season 5 Part 1 | Old Poker, New Commentary

Kathleen Kennedy Blamed For Galaxy's Edge Failure

Youformer Disney VP names Kathleen Kennedy as the sole reason that Galaxy's Edge was based on the much maligned Sequel Trilogy instead of the classic Star Wars of long ago....

#StarWars #KathleenKennedy #Disney 

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Space Marines vs Death Guard; Warhammer 40k battle report

SayHiPaul is back and this time he's brought a Primaris Demi Company. So I rought The End of All Things. This is a narrative battle report in the ruins of Iax.

Thursday, April 23, 2020


Metal's Channel -

Jay Exci -

Rag's's -

Second Channel (EFAP Archive) -

A Fansite that's all about EFAP -

A Community to discuss EFAP -

EPT Retro Season 4 Part 4 | Old Poker, New Commentary

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Biden Has Complete Mental Breakdown on CNN | Sara Gonzales Un...

Joe Biden's mental decline becomes more and more obvious to everyone (except maybe the DNC). This week, Biden couldn't string together a couple sentences during television interviews - even while reading notes! Sara Gonzales asks: Does Joe Biden have any business being in this race against President Trump, or is it time for Joe Biden to GO HOME? WATCH more Sara Gonzales Unfiltered:

Friday, April 17, 2020


I will have a very special guest on Mr H reviews to talk about his upcoming project (which I am super excited about!) Black Fields a Viking Warrior epic!

Support Black Fields:

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

CBS, Time Warner reach deal to end blackout

CBS, Time Warner reach deal to end blackout | Money - WLKY Home: "CBS, Time Warner reach deal to end blackout More than 3 million subscribers without service since Aug. 2

UPDATED  | WLKY Louisville 6:38 PM EDT Sep 02, 2013

CBS and Time Warner Cable reached an agreement Monday to end a blackout that's left more than 3 million subscribers without service for more than a month.

Scientists laid off due to budget cuts 11min Wall Street is asleep: Volume at 5-year... Microsoft to buy Nokia's phone business... Verizon pays $130 billion to buy out... Vodafone investors get $84 billion... Unlimited vacation? Some workplaces... Service was scheduled to resume at 6 p.m. ET Monday, according to a statement from Time Warner.

Specific terms were not disclosed.

The new deal involves CBS stations and Time Warner Cable systems in New York (WCBS and WLYW), Los Angeles (KCBS and KCAL) and Dallas (KTVT and KTXA), CBS News reported.

The dispute centered around how much the cable operator should pay to carry CBS programming in places where CBS owns local affiliates, including New York City, Los Angeles, Dallas, Boston, Chicago, Denver, Detroit and Pittsburgh.

It had been going on since July 23, when the threat of a blackout first emerged as the companies battled over transmission fees. And then, on Aug. 2, it happened: A dark curtain descended for three million Time Warner Cable viewers, making hit CBS shows such as 'Under the Dome,' 'NCIS' and 'The Big Bang Theory' unavailable.

CBS rejected a truce offer from Time Warner Cable on Aug. 5, and the dispute had dragged on until Monday."
